If you are reading this page, you are likely facing one of the most agonizing decisions you will ever have to make about the care of your pet. We are here to help you and your pet through this difficult time. We will listen to your concerns and present you with an individualized, in-home care plan for you and your pet. Our hospice veterinarian Dr. Turenne has extensive experience in providing pet hospice care and keeps your pet’s comfort and well-being, as well as your concerns as the pet parent, at top of mind.
Our pets are family. Now, you have more options to care for them like family.
What is Pet Hospice?
Pet hospice, specifically in-home pet hospice, has gathered exceptional momentum in recent years. Pet hospice is a way for you to provide a comfortable and pain-free end of life experience for your pet. At Four Paws, one of our goals is to empower you to provide this end of life care to your beloved friend and guide you through the difficult decision making process of “when it is time”. Pets enter our hospice program when they have terminal, chronic or debilitating diseases or are nearing the end of their natural lifespan.
Some pets may not be quite ready to enter Hospice care. This may include pets who are not quite as advanced in their disease process but still need chronic care and close communication with our Team. Palliative care, like hospice care, is centered on keeping your pet comfortable and pain-free.
Dr. Turenne was one of the first veterinarians in the world to obtain a Certification in Hospice and Palliative Care through the International Association of Animal Hospice and Palliative Care. This advanced training has given Dr. Turenne a unique understanding about progression of diseases, pain medication options, how to plan for emergencies as well as how to support you, the pet parent through this difficult process.
Dr. Turenne’s extensive knowledge of holistic therapies is also an option for pets in Hospice and Palliative Care. These therapies can be extraordinarily useful for pets who perhaps can no longer take conventional medications or for pet parents who seek a more holistic approach to end-of-life care.
Is In-Home Pet Hospice The Right Choice for My Pet?
Upon entering hospice, a thorough consultation is performed not only to assess the medical needs of your pet, but to also address your family’s unique situation including spiritual beliefs, concerns with other pets in the household, family members’ questions, and to discuss the availability of your time to treat your pet at home.
What Decisions Need to be Made and When?
Although every situation is unique, you and your family can make many decisions ahead-of-time which will help maintain clarity in the midst of emotions likely to arise. Dr. Turenne and your pet hospice team will provide guidance and support throughout the entire process including making adjustments to the plan on an as-needed basis. Several issues to consider ahead-of-time include:
- Assessing Quality of Life Issues
- How To Discuss This Topic With Children
- Natural Death versus Euthanasia
- How to Decide it is Time for Euthanasia
- In-Home Euthanasia
- Aftercare Arrangements (cremation options, burial considerations)
- Honoring your Pet
- Resources to Help You and Your Family Members Cope with The Grieving Process
I Believe Hospice Is Right for My Pet. What Are My Next Steps?
If you think hospice might be right for you and your pet, the next step will be to schedule an in-home evaluation with our hospice veterinarian. Please call us 734-385-7161 to learn more.
If you do not live in the greater Ann Arbor area, please look here for more information on phone consultations.