Backup’s Memorial Tour of His Favorite Places 💜

First stop, the SIP Coffee where he got puppachinos after the vet or just because

Stop two, his favorite pet store, Pet People, where they would give him free treats and let him “sneak” bully sticks out of the jar

Stop three, West Toledo Animal Hospital where he did physical therapy, where he got to do an agility and obstacle course, an underwater and regular treadmill and he COULD NOT get enough of it, plus ENDLESS peanut butter, he loved it

Stop Four, Toledo Pet Farm – aka “The Dog Party,” where Backup learned exactly how to doggo, swam in pools, chased and played, towered over other big dogs on the equipment whenever possible, and – as he got older – where he was the happiest, in the Little Dog room, where he got to chill and play and not have to be the big dog all the time

Stop five, Wildwood Preserve Metropark, the first and last place we went for walks, land of other dogs, alllll the people, endless interesting smells, rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels, and all the grass you could possibly roll in

Final stop, home. His absolute, without a doubt, favorite place to be. Usually he was wherever I was, waiting for me to drop some food, sleeping in with me in the morning, snuggling on the couch with, sleeping in my office while I worked, doing tricks in the living room, unsuccessfully chasing bunnies and squirrels in the yard, barking a the neighbor dogs, playing hide and seek, barking at the mailman, looking out the window, playing with his favorite toys, or waiting on his bed for me to come home when I was away – this house, with me, was THE place to be, for him. No other place could compare, and I agree.💜

Megan K.

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