This past week we helped Remy cross the rainbow bridge. It was peaceful and in our home, and he is no longer in pain. The past week was rough, and he was rapidly declining in health. His quality of life significantly decreased over the last few days, and we made the decision that it was time.

My heart is absolutely shattered. Remy was so so special. He has been through so much, and is such a fighter. I got Remy when I was 23 and had no business getting a dog. He and I grew up a lot together, and navigated some really hard times together. I won’t go through all the things, but if you’ve followed Remy’s story you know he’s a miracle and a fighter.

He was always my constant, always checking in with me and keeping a close eye. He trusted me with his entire being. Not many people can say that about anything or anyone. I feel so lucky to have had as much time with him as I did, but it does not feel like enough time. I’m not sure it ever would feel like enough time.

I do not feel peace right now. Just heartbreak. But I know the peace will come. I do know Remy is no longer in pain, and believe wherever he is he has four legs and gets to eat all the pizza he could ever want. He gets to swim as much as he desires and play with his old friend Blaine who was up there waiting for him. I just feel sad that I’m not with him. He was my best friend. My soul dog.

Thank you everyone who has followed his journey and supported us. It has been quite the journey, and I wouldn’t change any second of it. Just wish it was longer. 💔🌈Run free Remy. We love you so so much. Thank you for sharing your life and your love with us. You will be forever missed💗 – Mommy

When Erin brought puppy Remy home from the Humane Society I thought “What has she done?” But it was obvious from the beginning that they were meant for each other. They have been through so much together but their love for each other got stronger & stronger. Their bond was truly amazing. I like to think they rescued each other.

Remy, you will be so missed but I am glad you are not in pain anymore and you are running free and happy with my beloved Blaine. Love you so much. ❤ – Grandma Tracy

To the sweetest boy that is loved and missed so much 💗 Holding a special cuddle spot on the couch for you 💗🍕💗 – Audrey

Thank You for Sharing Your Love and Wonderful Spirit😘 – POPS

Rest easy sweet boy. We miss you so much and are doing our best to adjust to a new life but it’s not easy. I hope you now find the peace and understanding of all that happened and why we did what we did. The love and light that you brought to our world will never be replaced or forgotten. I hope you’re lying in the sun, chompin on a big ole stick and hanging out with your buddy Blaine. Love and miss you so much buddy💗 – Bobby

Run free, sweetest boy💗 – Katie

The beach, ocean and pool will not be the same without Remy. We will miss him😘 – Terry

For one of the best and most special doggos ❤ We love you so much, Remy. – Emily 

So honored to have been a part of your journey Remy! You were the bestest boy, thank you for being my friend <3 – Caitlin Perna

Remy, it was so wonderful to know you while I had the pleasure. You were always such a sweet and generous boy, more than happy to give up some of your share of attention for Dottie’s sake, though I always found ways to distract her long enough to give you the love you deserved. I loved taking turns chasing each other in the yard, and you always ran me out of breath. Those three legs were speedy! Rest easy like you deserve, handsome boy, but not for too long– there’s much more chase to be had where you’re going! – Clinton LeClerc

No boy ever had a more convincing beggar face…I know he’s using it to get all the treats on the other side of the rainbow. We love you Remy! – Kate McConville

I’m always here for you Erin, even from a virtual distance! How up and down life has been, and I’m so glad you got to have Remy in your life although it was for far too short a time. I didn’t know Remy but I very much seeing his beautiful brown eyes pop up on my feed and how happy he looked as a part of your family! This quote by Helen Keller makes me smile when I’m sad sometimes: “What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love becomes a part of us.” Sending you and your family much love and light during this very difficult time 💚 – Julia Lovejoy

Remy, sweet sweet boy, you did more on three legs than most dogs could do on 4. Your love wasn’t given freely, it took a bit of work, a bit of patience, and made it all that much sweeter to get a kiss, a wag, a greeting at the door when I would come over. I’m happy I got to know you, and got a little bit of that love to keep with me. I’ll miss you bud, until next time 🖤 – Matt Mitchell

Remy you brought so much love and comfort to your mam and dad. Your mam told me what a fighter you were and how loyal you remained. i am honored to have gotten the remy hop when i last saw you. Look for cook and mort but stay on your side. thanks for the love you brought my friends – Tarah Paulsen

Welcome Remy. – Cookie Paulsen

Sweet Remy will be missed by all his 2 and 4 legged neighborhood family. ♥ – Jill A

Rest in peace, Remy. Thank you for your friendship to Nona, your love to Erin and Bobby, and your inspirational display of perseverance to us all. You and those forehead wrinkles will be missed. – Frank

❤ – Molly Welch-Marahar

My deepest condolences and sympathy to Erin. Her soul dog Remy was and always will be one of best and brightest lights of her life. How lucky Remy and Erin are to of found each other and love each other and share many years of joy together. We will miss Remy 💗 – Sascha Stern

Rem- you were one of the best. I think my personal favorite is when you started to jump around to play with me when I can to let you out once many moons ago. I also appreciated how much you made Johnny work for your love 😅 Give Bud and Pheen some love for me, and keep an eye on Dottie, you know she needs a little extra help staying out of trouble. – Amanda Scott

My lasting image of Remy is of him being the (unsuccessful) “hall monitor” to Dotty and Isla’s craziness when they got together. I still listen for his bark from behind the fence; I actually miss it. Remy, you had an unmistakable majesty about you. Thank you for taking care of Erin and Bobby and for being part of the neighborhood dog pack. We will always miss you, sweet boy. – Lissa Main

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